(732) 866-8548


Development, Integration, Engineering, & Support for Your Business

SPS offers our prime contracts and subcontracts for your needs. View what they entail below and let us know how we can assist you. You can also reach out to us to learn more about each one.



GSA Professional Services Schedule (00CORP)
PM Soldier Weapons

  • AMCOM Express
  • Better Buying Support Services (B2S2)
  • Development, Integration, & Engineering Support for Electronic-Warfare Laboratories (DIESEL)
  • Engineering Support Services (AMCOM EXPRESS)
  • Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems (GTACS)
  • Network-Centric Solutions-2 (NETCENTS-2) NETOPS
  • Rapid Response Third Generation (R2-3G)
  • Rapid Response to Critical System Requirements (R2CSR)
  • Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3)
  • Seaport Next Generation (NxG)
  • Software and Systems Engineering Services Next Generation (SSES NexGen)
  • Strategic Services Sourcing (S3)
  • TACOM Strategic Service Solutions (TS3)
  • Technical Information Engineering Services (TIES)
  • VA Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology (T4) Program
  • Consortium for Command, Control, and Communications in Cyberspace (C5)

Acquisition Support

Testing and Evaluation

Integrated Logistics

Systems Engineering

Information Technology (IT)

Training & Training Support Services

Share your project goals with us.
We'll help you achieve them.
(732) 866-8548

Share your project goals with us.
We'll help you achieve them.

(732) 866-8548